Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I was raised a Fundamentalist. I learned very early about the "verbal, plenary, inspired" Word of God as the final authority in all areas of life. As I grew older, I visited other churches, and naturally, some questions arose. Why was it that the Bible was used to support totally contradictory ideas? For example, in certain denominations, babies are baptized, but in others, only older children and adults. Some churches did not believe in "speaking in tongues", and some insisted on it. Some believed being totally immersed was the only method of baptism, some merely sprinkled or poured water on the candidate. By the time I entered adulthood, it seemed as if there was no place for the buck to stop, so to speak. Not everyone could be right, so who had the final say? I went from church to church to find the truth about Christ, but that seemed so elusive. Jesus was real, but I didn't really feel like I knew Him personally. Meanwhile, my college age daughter had started to attend Catholic services at her school's "Newman Center". I must confess that I was shocked and alarmed. Surely Catholicism was the wrong way to go, I thought! I started attending on occasion, as my schedule allowed, and soon I was drawn into the startling realization that Truth was indeed there. More than that, the Eucharist began to call out to me. In my heart I felt a real yearning. Then came the suicide. A childhood friend of my son's killed himself without any warning of depression. He was only 16. At the same time, I discovered that I was seriously ill, and ended up out of work for a whole year. It was my newly found Catholic friends who reached out to me in my overwhelming grief and despair. Last summer I decided to attend RCIA to consider conversion. Finally, all of my questions about Christ and His Church were answered. I was at the place where the buck stops--the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I was Confirmed this past Easter Vigil 2004, and I have found the serenity in Christ that my soul was seeking. Jesus Christ, completely present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in each and every Mass. Thanks be to God!

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